Sunday, September 29

so happy!!! :O

- skype with Viikkk - willz -UK - OZ - so cute - :) nth changes
- lala and indupo trip to KLLLL < 3 :DDDD
- and YESSSS. pd off!
- impromptu granny photoooo :P
- casssiiieee gimme 'sweet  < 3 ' < 3 < 3 chatting lives
- phone call with banananana on her curly-whirly-strands! :D
- adrian - fugitiveeee!!
- mommy midnight what'sapp - face - fruits - prettypic
- called daddayy - RM 60 durian sesshiion!! :O - told abt the stay :)
- possibru getaway trip in dec!!! 
- anna: be confident with your choices. me: i'm learning!
- michelle ting's happiness post :)
- chatted with heng :) real chatz, finalleh :P
- skypee grave with hanna - rose petals
- alvin dan - jom pj
- went out with jovita laz weekz (late post sorry)
- ms D chat - inspiration
- granny photo commentz - jeffy - cameron diaz - sharshar < 3
- not forgetting the sweetest ohanayapp
- awkwardz disappoofs - talia
- da chats with sylvia - photo of the girls :3
- da chatz with badass bachi - sex epitome

-- topped off with an amazing weekend of food-ing with the best roomie :-)


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