Friday, June 30

 You find God's Will in ur life in your limitations

Thursday, June 29

philipi 2

 - Philippians 2

- daily death to self, in entrustment of the one who judges justly

- space for shadow stuff to come into your/our field of awareness

- If you can see it , then you stand a way better chance to not let it run your behaviour

- dessert is part of how God creates leaders, meant to be a short-term experience biblically. Desert is a lonely place where you're in isolation for a purpose.

- isolation & loneliness blackened experience of God

- busyness is an incredible coping mechanism that enables people to not face their fears


 i suppose one of the hardest things about work is ....

[man i had them worded clearer in my head earlier] 

[they're almost completely gone now.. gonna try to re-enact the scenario in hopes of finding the right words...]

is that....

is associated with....

no matter how hard i try, i still fall short. and it's an exhausting feeling.

is having to speak to my boss apolgetically to say how i overlooked this...

is how there's 10 things that could have gone right, but 1 thing tat didnt will remain magnified...

its really annoying & idk if i could get used to feeling like this all the time.


working on a holiday... or rather "attempting to".

forgoing chill-time with parents

many condemn it

but i think its how i manage my anxiety

so what's right / what's not

what's good for you / what's not


will i ever get over it / behind this?

what if this is perpetuity.. and not just

'early years of practice'..



perpetually stressed... / anxious....


Wednesday, June 28


 “God has yet to bless anyone except where they actually are, and if we faithlessly discard situation after situation, moment after moment, as not being "right",we will simply have no place to receive his kingdom into our life.”

― Dallas Willard