Saturday, September 12

repost from @pocketfuel

I’ve had depression on and off throughout my 33 years, and I can tell you that it is indeed a disease… a sickness, an illness.
You don’t get it from being undisciplined or lazy or pessimistic… For most of us, it arrived like any other disease does: with little warning and loads of confusion. Because of its ridiculous stigma, many depression sufferers suffer alone and in silence, afraid and unable to ask for help… I got told things like: “Read your bible more, just think happier thoughts, pray more, go for walks, don’t eat bread…” And the list of well intentioned but completely ignorant and diminishing help notes and tid-bit advise goes on, cutting deep and driving sufferers further into shame.
Like any other disease, of course eating healthy, changing your diet and lifestyle and being positive can make a big difference… And sometimes no difference at all. The thing with depression is that it becomes the absence of feeling… A heaviness like no-other, and doing simple things like going for a walk is like asking someone with 2 broken arms to play a game of basketball.
Here in Australia, it’s National “R U OK” day. The more we ask this question of ourselves and of others, the more we can talk about mental health and suicide open heartedly, the more the disease comes out from the underground and into the light, the more help and healing and hope there will be.
Ask someone today, and if they’re not, don’t give them any advice, don’t try and fix them, or positive-talk them out of it… That only closes the door to wholeness. Instead, look that person in the eyes and tell them that no matter what you’ll be there. That they are not alone… there is hope because they are loved.
And if you are not OK, PLEASE tell someone… It could save your life.
Dr Brene Brown says, “Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” Lizzy xo


@Kaki Bola XO, Taman Paramount


Wednesday, September 9

finding your purpose

“I wish I knew it earlier..”
As much as i know that i shouldn’t dwell on that thought, i still told my friend hoping to hear what his reply was gonna be.
“I think most of the times after we experience certain things we wished we could’ve known it earlier because it might change something but it is those times that we are struggling and doubting that test our faith and trust in God. And what’s the fun of knowing everything?”
“I think that god will not place you where you’re not meant to be. There’s a purpose for him to place you where you are and you have to fin it. And yes, it’ll take time and to continue believing in the midst of the situation is not easy..”

What is this