Today was a lovely day spent. (: went to Suria with my bbuddy, watched RIPD. I thought it was okok. =/ couldn't help but was on the verge of falling asleep as usual. Lulz. Tho one would never be able to deny the fact that Ryan was very, adorable. We walked around and chatted easily and caught up. Gosh, life is really happening isn't it. Oh well, cheers to new things to come!! :D
I slept at 3.30 am, just as I prepared for bed around 2++, I was carried away with going through my inbox from year 2010. Junior 3 actually wasn't that bad of a year. I don't know why I don't have much vivid memories about it, but going through past msgs, it seemed just like one of those perfect years. haha, p e r f e c t ..
*I asked lotsa people to go 7K, helped them get the shirt. Was texting Choon Ying lots, so we were pretty close. Texted Sylvia quite a bit too, as she told me her thoughts etc. I remember how I loved her cute phone calls, haha. Debate was happening, hence, was on the going with Jo, Annabelle, Paula, Adren and Will (which is a sad, sad ending :( ) The bazaar happened, which was really fun actually as I toured with Adren and Wills. Oh! And the day I got constipated and ppl calling me was apparently 19th of July, 2010. Lulz :p I went to Ms Shally's tuition. Was quite close with Sha and Carol a bit, definitely with Alvin and AhChai too. I was in touch with Jie and Cedric, Jiun, Xuan, LCK and Alvina too. Kevin Yau as well.
And what was written happened mostly in July. Blood donation wasn't included yet. Actually it was one hell of a year. It was where I got to know Sanny bit by bit. However, what I remember most was only me getting emo, always reading alone in class, during lessons while semiconsciously shutting the world out as I felt a bit socially awkward. I loved reading books tho, it was so awesome!! And the time where I stayed in the small room downstairs, siting there everyday with bottles of water and wheat grass, drowning myself in multiple tv series, one after another, while trying to be oblivious about the world.
I don't even remember much abt PMR and UEC. :/ I was friends with Wilson too, during the exams. Not sure what happened after that. I was friends with Kuku too. And I remember the days where bananie would come and chat for a bit once in a while. I was friends with Jasmine, Steven, Nicholas, CYC was so fun meeting these new people :D Oh! And I remember the epic awesome English drama we did. There were me, Aaron Chung, Susan, Jane etc i don't remember. Thinking back, I don't know where the creativity came from, I lost it now I feel. ( I remember thinking this way too last year, felt proud of myself then :p) And the confession lulz.
The amazing English lessons :p KHB workshop, the super noisy Geography yet interesting lessons, the kinda odd Sejarah classes. The people who couldn't stop chatting and swearing in class. Almost burst out laughing on my first few times of CI. The many many 'inevitable' times I missed Jafri's tuition.
Haha memories popping one by one~
I suppose the reason why I never remembered much was because shit happened. The sports day crap, the love crap, the big trip crap, and as for the 'icing' on the cake, my stupid breakout and fitting in paranoia. Haha. It might sound like I'm still angry, with the less fancy language. But I'm way past that =) just reminiscing~ :P oh and my sister left me on my own. Got parents stuff also eh. And Choon Ying Stuff. those craps were good enough to get me went waterworks, heart pierced etc. Maybe, that's why I don't remember much. Like in Psychology, they call it "selective memory" :p Hmm, maybe, just maybe.
It was a good year tho!! :O hehe it was one interesting Sports Day, interesting PB. I met so many people that year, unexpectedly. Only wish I'd realize it then , and appreciated it more =) but I still do appreciate it! :D hehe.
Reminiscing on those old days, it's where bubu, lala, lulu, jo, Vikki, Xuan, jie, dric haven't entered my life and played such significant roles yet. Now mentioning leong, Shafie, Aaron, t, s, willie, ravs, charle, binsi...
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