Tuesday, February 28

Bloom 🌻

Even as we escort the coming of Spring (& bid the cold [& ocassionally bitter]  winter farewell), I'd like to share one of my favourite videos. I haven't seen this video in a while (prolly a year or so), but I never cease to be awestruck watching & embracing this video. Where flowers bloom & grow, I thought, how is it possible to not believe there's a God out there, who's created all this vast, heavenly beauty where pure humans, are simply incapable of?

In the midst of our day, why not pause for a couple of seconds & look up, stare into the skies that display (or scream!!) of His craftsmanship, soak in all of its beauty & its (undeniable) greatness. Be reminded that we're still in His hands, that all things work for the good of those who love Him. As you breathe in the vastness of the glorious skies, let it fill your heart, let Him love you.

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