Thursday, November 13

so much love

So i had a really good day yesterday. Surprises, are always a blessing. You never know when they come, you always wonder how you're so blessed to deserve so much goodness.

Despite the a bit chaotic weekend, this seemed like the blessing in disguise then! :p i actually called mum to tell her about it luls :P

Anywho, Wednesdays are always great! No school. I woke up at 10, went to uni, had Pan Mee alone, then went to library with Eileen. Was so relieved to be able to have my own space and do my own things :) Didn't get to study cuz was too caught up with catching up with blogging and other stuff like texting.

Henry called about the hosting for Acts church, sounds exciting! Then one of the thing I was most looking forward to all week... BKT!!! YAYERS! So Paula and I stayed back so that Jade could pick us up at one ago, and I caught up with Paula and told her about ^. She said she was very happy for me, and I was very happy too cuz I didn't see that coming at all! Went on to pick up Daphne, Celine and Vikki - I was sooo excited!!

As we arrived SS14, we arrived so much LOL. Then Nat and Lawrence joined us afterwards. I was so happy during dinner, I could literally taste the joy while I had the ever-lovely Bah Kut Teh. So homey, so yummy, so heartwarming, especially with so many familiar faces that I love - which put myself at ease and reminded me of home every second, and of course also with good vibes like Jade, Lawrence and Nat. Jade is such a sweethearrttt!!!

So blessed and grateful to be able to feel em KK feels in KL, feel so in place, feel so at ease. thank you Lord :) oh and mum called me randomly yesterday saying that she misses her kids LOL, and she texted me her IC no randomly in case I wanna buy properties! :P LOL (?)

Though today I've experienced a bit of a moodswing, especially feelind disheartened by irresponsible people, but the flaws that exist in our world that don't even seem to deserve to exist cuz, i mean like, how hard is it to get it fixed?!

But praying that God is in control, God is sustaining me, and I feel okay again. Am staying back in library to catch up with what I've left with my personal stuff - ranging from blogging to replying texts. I managed to chat with Ravs, Charls, Hanna, :) (ze mooting peepos haha), Tracy, Natsie, replied Cassy's text etc, it's all good! Just constantly realizing that I lack so much, and have so much to learn always.

Oh and happy belated birthday Daphne, twas a good night spending it with my loves from home, and seeing jeff and lck too :) happy birthday you beautiful soul! me love you gusta :)

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