Sunday, October 31

failing - part 1/29294


In his book, Winning Smart After Losing Big, entrepreneur Rob Stearns echoes this perspective regarding his own failures. Stearns writes that there's a big difference between experiencing a failure and being a failure: "You are the same person after your loss as you were before your loss." It is strength of character that enables us to get up and keep moving when we've failed.

But where do we find strength to move forward? Paul freely acknowledged that such strength is not native to his soul. It came to him from Christ. "I can do all this through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13, NIV). Hardships and failures taught the apostle to ask for strength. He learned to “fail forward” into the everlasting arms of God.


  1. God, as I face failure, I pray that I would find my value in who you say I am. Help me draw strength and joy from your everlasting arms. Thank you for your unchanging love. Amen.

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