Saturday, May 3

One Unusual Sleepless Night

I can't sleep. This is highly unusual since I'm such a heavy sleeper, I don't have issues falling asleep whenever or wherever (most of the time) provided that the place is clean and comfortable enough. Anyway, as I came across this old photo of me and my high school mates from 2012, it ignited a series of flashbacks of where I came from, of my old self in high school. I can't believe it's been more than a year ago!! I really miss high school, and it will always be a significant part of me. Having lived 17 years, I felt like I only recognised my own identity in that fragment of short-lived few years. It gets overwhelming sometimes to run through photos of when I was younger, and relate it back to who I am now, the connecting dots are simply uncanny..

Manchester Uni called today, and it got me reevaluating my decisions of going to Taylor's Uni next year, instead of taking the leap to UK rightaway. Even though Taylor's seems to be more realistic, but I don't live by the hindrance of impossibilities. Hence, I'm always torn apart between choices, because I believe that there's always something good that comes out of every experience. "Good times become good memories. Bad times become good lessons. You can never lose, you only grow from life.: - Ryan Ferraras . At the end of the day, I trust myself that I wouldn't mind forgoing fun and pleasure for a kick-ass lesson bourn by sweat and if to the extreme, tears too. 

One thing I've learned over these close to 18 months, is the significance of deciding when given a choice. Sure, each choice leads to different experiences that each promises values and lessons of miscellaneous things. And sure, when life needs a little push, we're encouraged to just jump off a plane, and build our wings along the way. But choices should never be decided just on a whim. Sometimes, a little more effort into thinking and deciding will take us a long way. Cause really, our happiness is in our own hands. And I suppose, sometimes it's okay to be a little more selfish, for our own happiness.

I'm honestly very much drawn to the idea of starting Uni in Taylor's. I can already taste a pinch of warmth by just thinking about it. It may not offer the best law programme, but I sense that the campus life and just the whole idea of it offers a lot more to other parts of my life, not just academically. Academics is important, but our lives shouldn't just revolve around just it. Furthermore, I will further my studies in the UK and end up with a certificate from UK anyway. This just sounds like a credible package. Hmm..

Some interesting quotes to share:

God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with him.
Jim Elliot

“Be careful of your actions. You never know when your creating a memory.”

Ricki Lee Jones

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